My 22nd birthday in downtown Salt Lake at the Hard Rock Cafe. These are just some of the people who showed up to make the day special! :) Thanks friends!!!!
Hey everyone! I've been horrible at updating my blog. Sorry! Let me get you all caught up with this post :)
October 2008: Traveled to Utah to visit my good friends for my birthday :) It was sooo much fun! We went to the Hard Rock Cafe in Salt Lake because it's been the tradition for the last 4 years. I had about 20 friends show up to celebrate my 22nd birthday with me; I couldn't believe they all made it! Thanks for making my birthday soooo special guys! :)
I ended up waiting for 3 hours to get out of the Salt Lake airport due to a "Bird Strike." There was much confusion as to what this meant and we were delayed another hour because of this. The funniest thing about this was that they announced it like we all were supposed to know what a bird strike was! Ha ha... Turns out it is exactly what it sounds like. A freakin' HUGE bird hit and cracked the nose of the plane as it was decending to land in Salt Lake. We had to wait for the next plane to land in Salt Lake so that we could then turn around and go back to Denver. "What up Tderadactyl?" LOL! Don't travel with me, I bring bad luck it seems...
Also during this month I began dating this kid named Josh. In the beginning it was really fun and we did a lot of fun things. We went to the Real Salt Lake vs. Colorado Rapids Soccer game, a Circus, went to some movies, traveled down to Idaho Falls, CO to the famous Beau Jo's pizza and walked around the cute little town, and we did a lot of church activites together. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad I had this experience :) Things ended up not working out between the both of us and we broke up at the end of November, but we are still friends.
November 2008: Continued to work at my Internship and enjoyed running my groups with my clients. They were amazing and taught me a lot! I worked with individuals who have Multiple Sclerosis and Traumatic Brain Injury. We took them on outings to the Denver Zoo, Target, Dave and Busters etc... I was very busy with administering assessments, completing case studies on my clients, creating the KADEP Blog for our facility to complete my Senior Capstone Project, as well as continuing to run my groups through it all... I also had the opportunity to fly home for Thanksgiving which was a huge blessing! It was great to visit and to be with my family :)
December 2008: We took our clients skiing up at Breckinridge on Dec. 3rd, and even learned how to ski myself :) It was such a great experience! We stayed in a cabin that was nice and cozy, ate chilli, drank hot chocolate, played games, and had a local band come and play to entertain us for the evening. Our clients really enjoyed it and it was extremely therapeutic for them. On December 12th my internship ended and 4 days later I flew home to San Diego to visit for Christmas.
I've been home for 2 weeks now and will fly back on Friday. It's been so nice to be home and to relax with friends and family. I am not sure what I will be doing when I get back because I am currently unemployed and homeless, but working on establishing both of those here soon. If things end up falling through I will pack up my car and drive home. Even though I despise living at home again, I will be able to save money and figure out what I really want to do with my life.
Although life has been pretty difficult these last few months, I have no doubt things will work out the way they are supposed to. God has really been trying to teach me faith, and not just faith, but blind faith to be exact. It's hard, but I'm grateful that I have a strong relationship with my Heavenly Father who can help guide me through this life that sometimes seems too hard to bear. Nothing is impossible when I have Him by my side, comforting me and helping me through my trials. Life is scary when you look through your eyes only, and not through the eternal perspective God offers. I have faith in Him and His plan for me.
Tracky is my nickname in case you are confused...Daisies are my favorite flower, Ice Cream is my favorite food...Chili's and Outback Steakhouse are my favorite life involves church, school, family, friends, soccer, the gym, and anything that makes me laugh :) I created this blog spot so family and friends could see what I'm up to out here at BYU even though I will be graduating in April :) After that it will be updates from Palo Alto, CA, San Diego, Denver, or Boston seeing as those are my top choices for possible internships in the Fall.